Wow,What a great Christmas holiday. I don't know about you but I had a great holiday. Fore most of it I staid at home. When Christmas finally came I got the best gift ever!!! When my mom and dad asked me what I wanted fore Christmas I did not know what to say! But my mom and dad knew what I wanted most so the got my best friend a ticket so that she can com and visit me. We have not seen each other in almost 3 years!!! I was so happy that she can finally com. Then New Year Eve came. But the day before my cousin came fore 3 day's to spend New Year Eve with us. Yaay! And fore knew year we all dressed like Indian to mix things up. Then when it was 12 seconds till 2011 we eat 12 grapes. Each grape you eat is one wish. I love when I wake up in the morning and i'm all of a suden in a diferente year! Then a few day before school started I went to Singapur!!! Ges where I went while I was in Singapur, I went to Unevertial studios.
Another part I liked about the holidays is that I got to stay home, relax, chill, sleep late, watch tv and lets not forget NOT DOING HOME WORK!!! When ever i'm on a holiday I always get bord because all your friends are gon and you have nothing to talk about so you want to go to go back to school. But when holidays are almost over you don't want to go back to school and think. Fore what it is worth I think that holidays are GRAET!!!
Now it's a knew year and where I am from you have to get a new goals. My teacher ses that it is a good thing because you get to change your self. How do we change are selfs by making a gole fore knew year? That is exactly what I said when he told us that. Then he said why he thinks that. What he ment by changing our self was that you already know how to do this and that lern how to do something els. It dosent have to be that you lern it can be being a beter friend or some thing. meny things can change you.
My goal for 2011 is to become a good photographer. I think that becoming a beter photographer will help me have a beter chance to become a famos photographer. I always liked to be a photographer ever sens I was 3. I have this connection with the camara.
So that is it. I hope You had a grate knew year and christmas!!!
With lots of love Camila