Monday, February 27, 2012


In the Holocaust their were many survivors and most of them have memories. Sonia Weitz wrote her memories in poems. She wrote poems about every thing, when she went to concentration camps, when they took her mom, when she got saved and so many more but my favorite one is "Victory". Victory is about when her sister,dad,brother in law and her got taken to a concentration camp and separated in to boys and girls, but one day she snuck in to see her dad while a young boy was playing the harmonica and her dad said to her " little one, let us dance we may not have another chance."
This poem dosent really reflect in my life but what I like most is that it makes you feel the feeling that she went through, the sadness and happiness she felt. I can't even imagen going through what she went through, losing her mom and dad to the Holocaust then geting Typhus all by her self, I dont know what I would have done.

1 comment:

  1. I like your thoughts of the poem and you sharing your favorite line in the poem. :) Though I think you meant wrote not wrought.
